Intumescent Strips
What are intumescent strips?
An intumescent strip is a piece of fire-resistant expanding material, which is fitted around the frame of a FD30 / 60 fire rated door, usually in 10mm -15mm sections . In the event of a fire, the strip will expand, preventing the fire from spreading through the door for the specified time.
How do intumescent strips work?
When exposed to high temperatures, intumescent strips expand up to 20 times their size, filling gaps to block fire and smoke, helping to contain the fire.
Do I need intumescent strips on my doors?
That depends on the type of door and application. Commonly, habitable rooms leading directly onto fire escape routes require at minimum FD30 intumescent strips and in some cases Brushed smoke seals. Ancillary rooms such as bathrooms generally dont require intumescent strips but we always recommend checking with your local building control / inspector in the first instance.